- Eggplant or Aubergine is a fruit-bearing plant, producing purply flowers which eventually bear edible fruit
- The eggplant prefers semi sunlight in winter months
- Water the plant daily during winter
- Fertilize this eggplant once monthly with a general fertilizer
- Once fruiting begins, fertilize it twice monthly with a high phosphorous fertilizer
What's in the box?
- 1 x Eggplant Live Plant
- Eggplant or Aubergine is a fruit-bearing plant, producing purply flowers which eventually bear edible fruit
- The eggplant prefers semi sunlight in winter months
- Water the plant daily during winter
- Fertilize this eggplant once monthly with a general fertilizer
- Once fruiting begins, fertilize it twice monthly with a high phosphorous fertilizer
What's in the box?
- 1 x Eggplant Live Plant